Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Aunt Flora's and A Country Summer Night

Back Row: Joe McCain, James Harper, Flora Harper McCain, Don McCain
Front Row: Barbara Harper, Bob McCain, Terry McCain and Sherrill McCain 

I remember sitting out on Aunt Flora’s front porch, listening to Flora, Dad and their siblings talking and laughing. This was her house at the end of a long sandy driveway, a rustic black wood house. It would be dark as we sat there, with an occasional cigarette glow, and then the smell as they blew out the smoke.  Sometimes I would follow the path of Flora’s red cigarette tip as she used her hand while talking.  I remember Daddy teasing her that if she sat on her hands she wouldn’t be able to talk.  In the background the sound of the katydids let us know it was summer.  After we would go to bed, the windows were left open as we didn’t have air conditioning, the sound of the katydids could be heard.  It was a safe sound, just knowing they were out there, keeping watch. They would lull us to sleep. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Need Help From Harpers and Turners!

I've set up this blog for cousins to post stories, pictures, history to be exported to the correct history book I'm writing.  A lot of what will go into the book is on the  Harpers/Turners of Alabama, GA, SC.....

A blog is like posting into word.  The adding of pictures and items works better if you have "Google Chrome".  If you will send me your email address I will invite you to be an author so you can add to the site.  I particularly need current information from your Mom and Dad forward to you, your siblings, kids, grandkids, stories and pictures.

Thanks for your help! Judy.Harper@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Clifford Harper

Clifford Harper, age 4, 1920

Photos and Stories of the Arville Harper Line

The Harper Clan 1965-66

This is going to be the story of Arville and Manilla Harper and their seven children.  Clifford Harper, Bernum Harper, Mavis Harper Hicks, Flora Harper McCain, Hazel Harper Hale Creech, Jesse Ert Harper and Nell Harper Johnson Devers.  It will show the connections to other Harper lines, plus wonderful photos and stories contributed by their children, grandchildren, friends and other sources.